6 Lighting Solutions That Can Illuminate Bathrooms Properly

6 Lighting Solutions That Can Illuminate Bathrooms Properly

6 Lighting Solutions That Can Illuminate Bathrooms Properly

By :
Reno Concepts OC

The bathroom is an essential room for any home because people can mind their own business without being disturbed. However, the tranquility in a bathroom can be easily disturbed by many things, such as poor lighting.

Lighting in a bathroom should be bright but not harsh. Harsh light makes it challenging to change your clothes or shave. Additionally, the best bathroom lighting shouldn't reflect off of the mirror. It's a real bummer when there's a glare that makes it look like your bathroom has a disco ball. If you're worried about this, you shouldn't be because we're here to help.

This article lists easy yet effective bathroom lighting solutions to ensure your bathroom is adequately illuminated. Read on below to get started.

#1 - Ceiling Lights

Installing a ceiling light in your bathroom is one of the easiest ways to ensure proper lighting in the room. This type of lighting is versatile because you can adjust the focal point of your ceiling lights. It's also one of the most affordable ways to get your bathroom lit.

However, ceiling lights aren't suitable for every bathroom. They're easy to install and are more versatile than other types of lighting, but for bathrooms with low ceilings, you may want to skip this type of lighting. The reason behind this is that we don't want the center of focus to be your head. All that matters is that you're able to get light in the bathroom, not where the light falls.

#2 - Lights on the Bathroom Mirror’s Sides

By installing lights on a mirror's side, you can have a light that's bright and natural-looking. Just remember to put them as low as possible to avoid reflections. If you can't, you can always add a coating to eliminate the glare.

#3 - Dimmers

Installing a dimmer is one of the best ways to make your bathroom lighting versatile. This is because a dimmer allows you to control the intensity of your lights. Whenever you're about to use your bathroom, you can just turn your dimmer on or off.

If you want to get the most out of your dimmer, you can use them with your ceiling lights. For instance, you can adjust the brightness of your ceiling lights based on the intensity of your dimmer. This way, you'll always have the proper lighting in the room.

#4 - Wall Lights

Like ceiling lights, wall lights are an excellent choice for any bathroom. They're more affordable than track lighting. Additionally, they're more versatile because they can be installed in various ways, such as on the ceiling or the sides of a mirror.

The only downside to wall lights is that they can't be adjusted. This means that you'll have more difficulty directing the light to the right areas of your bathroom. However, if you can adjust the lights, you'll have easy access to adjustable spots for them.

#5 - LED Strips for the Floor

If there's one type of bathroom lighting you should install, it's LED strips for the floor. You can find flexible LED strips online for less than $10, which is why we highly recommend this type of lighting for your bathroom. They’re affordable, and you can use them to light up your bathroom floors.

You can also use them to light up any obstacles in your bathroom, such as the bidet. This way, you’ll be able to see these obstacles ahead of time to avoid hurting yourself. If you have a small bathroom, LED strips should be the last thing you install. This way, they'll fit well with your bathroom.

#6 - Light Filters

This is the type of bathroom lighting that you'll often see in health clubs. It's a good choice for bathrooms with bigger mirrors because it allows you to light up the room properly. However, you can also install it throughout the bathroom to light up certain parts, such as the shower area. You'll also be able to see your shower area better since the light filters allow you to see through to the other side.


Lighting in your bathroom is crucial. You may not be able to notice how well-lighted your bathroom is, but you can now act upon it based on the information noted above. As long as you do everything right, you'll have little to no problems with your bathroom's lighting.

Reno Concepts provides top-quality services for bathroom remodeling in California. Our team of experienced contractors can remake your bathroom to your desired style, all for an affordable price. Contact us today to learn more!

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